Rig Veda | Agni Suktam

Agni Suktam | Mantra-1

ॐ अ॒ग्निमी॑ळे पु॒रोहि॑तं य॒ज्ञस्य॑ दे॒वमृ॒त्विज॑म् । होता॑रं रत्न॒धात॑मम् ॥ ॥१॥


ŏm āgnim-īille Purohitam ẏajnyasya ḍevam-ṟtvijam |
ḥotāram ṟatna-ḍhātamam ||1||

I glorify Agni, the high priest of sacrifice, the divine, the ministrant, who is the offerer and possessor of greatest wealth.

Agni Suktam | Mantra-2

ॐ अ॒ग्निः पूर्वे॑भि॒रृषि॑भि॒रीड्यो॒ नूत॑नैरु॒त । स दे॒वाँ एह व॑क्षति ॥॥१॥


āgnih Pūrvebhir-ṟssibhir-īiddyo ṇūtanair-ūta |
Sa ḍevā ĕ[āa-ī]ha Vakssati ||2||


May that Agni, who is worthy to be praised by ancient and modern sages, gather the Gods here.

Agni Suktam | Mantra-3

अ॒ग्निना॑ र॒यिम॑श्नव॒त्पोष॑मे॒व दि॒वेदि॑वे । य॒शसं॑ वी॒रव॑त्तमम् ॥३॥


āgninā ṟayim-āśnavat-Possam-ĕva ḍive-ḍive | ẏaśasam Vīravat-ṭamam ||3|||


Through Agni, one gets lot of wealth that increases day by day. One gets fame and the best progeny.

Agni Suktam | Mantra-4

अग्ने यं यज्ञमध्वरं विश्वतः परिभूरसि ।
स इद्देवेषु गच्छति ॥४॥


āgne ẏam ẏajnyam-ādhvaram Viśvatah Paribhūr-āsi |
Sa īd-ḍevessu ġaccati ||4||

O Agni, you are surrounding the non-violent sacrifice on all sides, that which indeed reaches (in) the gods.

Agni Suktam | Mantra-5

अग्निर्होता कविक्रतुः सत्यश्चित्रश्रवस्तमः ।
देवो देवेभिरा गमत् ॥५॥


āgnir-ḥotā k͟havikratuh Satyaś-Citraśravastamah |
ḍevo ḍevebhir-āa ġamat ||5||

May Agni, the sacrificer, one who possesses immense wisdom, he who is true, has most distinguished fame, is divine, come hither with the gods.

Agni Suktam | Mantra-6

यदङ्ग दाशुषे त्वमग्ने भद्रं करिष्यसि ।
तवेत्तत्सत्यमङ्गिरः ॥६॥


ẏad-āngga ḍāśusse ṭvam-āgne Bhadram k͟harissyasi |
ṭave[a-ī]t-ṭat-Satyam-ānggirah ||6||

O Agni, whatever good you will do and whatever possessions you bestow (upon the worshipper), that, O Angiras, is indeed your essence

Agni Suktam | Mantra-7

उप त्वाग्ने दिवेदिवे दोषावस्तर्धिया वयम् ।
नमो भरन्त एमसि ॥७॥


ūpa ṭvā-[ā]gne ḍive-ḍive ḍossā-Vastar-ḍhiyā Vayam |
ṇamo Bharanta ĕmasi ||7||

O Agni, the illuminer (dispeller) of darkness, we approach near thee (thy vicinity) with thought (willingness), day by day, while bearing obeisance.

Agni Suktam | Mantra-8

ॐ राजन्तमध्वराणां गोपामृतस्य दीदिविम् ।
वर्धमानं स्वे दमे ॥८॥


ṟājantam-ādhvarānnām ġopām-ṟtasya ḍīdivim |
Vardhamānam Sve ḍame ||8||

We approach thee, the shining (the radiant), the protector of noninjuring sacrifices, growing in your own dwelling, the bright star of truth.

Agni Suktam | Mantra-9

ॐ स नः पितेव सूनवेऽग्ने सूपायनो भव ।
सचस्वा नः स्वस्तये ॥९॥


Sa ṇah Pite[ā-ī]va Sūnave-[ā]gne Sūpāyano Bhava |
Sacasvā ṇah Svastaye ||9||

O Agni, be easily accesible to us, like a father to his son. Accompany us for our well being.