Shri Maha Lakshmi Maha Yagnya

The above Mantra is the 22 Mantra of 31st Chapter (Adhyaya) of Yajur Veda.
Salient Features of the Yagnya:
- Establish Agnyādānam (kindling five types of Agni as given by our Shastras of which three are Sroutha and two are Smārtha Agni) in Specialized Yagnya Kundas.
- Will start with Gārhapatyāgni. This is the opportunity for all those who have not done even a single Yagnyam so far in their lives to start the Agnyādānam. By performing this we will be doing the Prāyahchitham of not doing the Yagnyam so far in our lives. This Agnyādānam is due to Gruha Agni which brings prosperity to the family and protects from all calamities. All families/individuals will be given opportunity to do this karma.
- Secondly Āhavaniyāgni will be kindled. This is the opportunity for all those who have not done even a single ritual in their lives to start the Agnyādānam. By performing this we will be doing the Prāyahchitham of not doing the rituals properly in our lives. This Agnyādānam also is done to pray Sun or Āditya, Sangnya Devi, Usha, etc. All families/individuals will be given opportunity to do this karma.
- Thirdly Dakshināgni will be kindled. This is the opportunity for all those who have not done even a single ritual for Indra and other Dēvathās. By performing this we will be doing Prāyahchitham of not doing the rituals for Indra for rains and other prosperities. All families/individuals will be given opportunity to this karma.
- Fourthly two Smārtha Agni (Sāmbhyāgni and Āvastyāgni) will be kindled. This is the opportunity for all those who have not taken Agni as witness for marriages/education/court cases etc,. All such Prāyahchithams will be done during this karma. Only those who do the Trethagni (the above said three types of Agni) Adānam will have the opportunity to do this karma in their lives. So one should use this occasion.
- Each individual/couple will be provided with a Separate Yagnya Kundam and made to perform their Yagnya on their own while Rithviks chant the Mantras. We will provide guidance for all those who are new.
- After the Agnyādānam Shri Maha Lakshmi Maha Mantras will be chanted while you give the oblations with materials that are specially chosen for the Shri Maha Lakshmi Maha Yagnya. All the Asta Lakshmis will be invited and appeased to achieve our goals in our lives.
- The specialty of this Yagnya is that it is done with chanting Mantras from all four Vēdas and especially Sāma Vēda Gāna will be presented. We very rarely hear this in our lives and that too during Yagnya. Mental peace will be restored and depression is alleviated. People prosper on hearing the Vēdic chanting and performing Yagnya.
Following is the meaning of the Mantra given above as explained by Maharshi Dayanada Saraswathi in Rig Vēda Bhāshyam while describing Purushasūktham.
“Hey Parameshwara! Your infinite Shōbha (elegance) in the form of Shri and infinite good deeds in the form of Lakshmi are appearing like your companions. You are the One who gives this entire Universe the required elegance and good character. The charm in the Universe, the benefit of talking the Truth and following the Dharma are nothing but doing service to You. Since all the materials are under Your control, You with Your kindness and willingness give us Mōksham. With Your kindness You bless us so that we could acquire the wealth of the Universe and become owner for all the Joys of the Universe. Let me acquire the best Shōbha and Lakshmi with Your grace. Similarly day and night are like Your two sides and Sun and Moon are like Your eyes. All Stars show Your existence and the entire beauty of this Universe is representing You”.
From the above Mantra it is evident that God in Veda gave order to ask for all the Wealth and Joy of the Universe. Our sages showed the Wealth and Joy in 8 main parts and those are the Asta Lakshmi names. Those are given at the top of this page. We are performing the Shri Maha Lakshmi Maha Yagnya to achieve all the 8 Lakshmis in our lives.
Deva Meanings: The One who makes the Universe play, the One who desires the wining of followers of Dharma, the One who gives all materials for our efforts, the One who is self radiant, the One who is eligible for praise, the One who is always in a bliss and the One who gives us bliss, the One who punishes the terrorists, the One who makes night and destruction for the purpose of sleep for everyone, the One who is eligible for desiring, the One with infinite knowledge, the One who enjoys bliss within Oneself, the One who creates the Universe with natural attitude just like a play and without any help, the One who is the foundation for all plays, the One who wins everyone, the One who can never be defeated, the One who knows Justice and injustice and the One who stands as evidence, the One who is radiating everything in the Universe, the One who is eligible only for praise and not for accusation, the One who is in self bliss and gives bliss to others, the One who is without any sorrow, the One who is always in Joy, the One who makes others always happy, the One who puts all life into sleep during destruction, the One who is the Truth, the One who is the aim of pious people, the One who is all pervading and the One and only One who is eligible to be known is God or Deva.
God has names in all the three genders. All the meanings associated with Deva are also associated with Devi. The word Brahma is neither masculine nor feminine gender. The words Shakthi, Shri, Lakshmi and Saraswathi are feminine genders. God is almighty and is known as Shakthi. Shakthi means the one which has the ability and capacity to do the creation. Shri is another name of God. Entire Universe, Scholars and Yogis are doing service to the God. That is the reason God is called as Shri. The one who can observe the entire Universe in one instant, the one who makes this Universe visible, the one who makes every parts of our bodies and every other living beings bodies visible, the one who makes the plants and trees and other objects and different color objects visible and the one who makes Sun, moon and stars visible and the one who sees everything in the Universe, the one who is the most enchanting beauty and the one who is the essence of Vedas, and the one who is the ultimate goal for Scholars and Yogis and the only one who should be seen is called Lakshmi.