The creation of Vēdas as described by Maharshi Dayananda Saraswathi is given below.

[Thasmād Yagnath Sarva Hutha Ruchaha Sāmani Jangire
Chandagamsi Jangire Thasmād Yajus Thasmād Ajāyatha]
This mantra is the 7th mantra of 31st chapter of Yajur Vēda. The meaning of this is as follows. The one who does not get destroyed any day, the one who is always is filled with knowledge, the one who does not have even the slightest ignorance, the one who is always in bliss, the one who does not have even the minutest sorrow is called God and is called “Sarva Hutha” in this mantra. From this Sarva Hutha Rig Vēda, Sāma Vēda, Atharva Vēda and Yajur Vēda are born. The word “Sarva Hutha” can also become an adjective to the word Vēdas. That means Vēdas are testaments that can be accepted by all humans. Jangire and Ajāyatha are two words having the same meaning.
Why should two words of the same meaning be used in the same mantra? This indicates that Vēdas are containing many arts and variety of educations. In a similar manner the word “Thasmāth” is used more than once in the mantra to indicate that Vēdas are given by God and not by any human. Even though the Vēd mantras are included with Chanddass, the above mantra contains the word Chandagamsi indicating the production of the fourth Vēd which is called Atharva Vēd.
Yagno Vi Vishnuhu. (Shathapatha Brahmana);
In Shathapatha Brahmana, it is given that the meaning of Yagna is Vishnu and also it is name of the all pervading God.

[Idam Vishnur Vichakramē Thēdhā Nidhadhē Padam. Samūdamasya Pāmnsurē Swāhā]
The above mantra is from Yajur Vēd (5th Chapter, 15th mantra). From this mantra it is clear that Vishnu is the name of all pervading God. It is because the creation power of the entire Universe is present only with the God and with none else. So God’s name is Vishnu.

[Yasmā Druchō Apāthaksahn Yajur Yasmā Dapākashan
Sāmāni Yasya Lōmā Nyathah Angirasō Mukham
Skambham Tam Brūhi Kathamah Svidēvasah]
The above mantra is from Atharva Vēd (10th Kānda, 23rd Prapātaka, 4th Anuvāka, 7th Sūtra and 20th mantra). The meaning of this mantra as given by Maharshi Dayānanda Saraswathi is as follows. From the All mighty God Rig, Yajur, Sāma and Atharva Vēd are born. Atharva is equivalent to His face; Sāma is equivalent to His hair, Yajur is His heart and Rig is his Prānna. In this mantra God has described the birth of Vēdas with Rōpak Alankār. This description gives us the God from whom the Vēdas were born. His name is Skambha. He is the Vēda Kartha.
The great Scholar and Rishi Yāgnavalkya preached his wife Mythrēyi in the following manner. “Dear Mythrēyi, the all pervading God is greater than the Ākāsam (Vacuum). From him all the four Vēdas were born. As a man breaths out and breaths in the air, in a similar fashion God produces Vēdas at the time of creation and takes back at the time of Prallaya (Destruction). Just like a bud is present in the seed the Vēdas are present in the God. At the time of creation they come out and at the time of destruction they go into the God. Therefore the Vēdas do not have destruction. They are always present in the form of God’s knowledge”
The following is the Question and Answer section given in the Vēda Bhāshyam written by Maharshi Dayānanda Saraswathi.
Q.1. Since you say God does not have any form, then how did Vēdas come into existence?
Ans. God is all mighty and has infinite potential to do work without any one’s help. We humans require a form to do work. Just like we can do questioning and answering in our minds without sounds coming out of our mouths, similarly God gave knowledge to the four Rishis in their minds.
Q.2. Let us agree that only God can create this world and not any human. But humans have capacity to create grammar and poetry. So Vēdas could have been the writings of human beings and not that of God!
Ans. No. Other than God no human can give Vēdas. Without Vēdas, humans could have not got the knowledge of grammar and poetry. For example let us leave a boy in the deep jungles and provide him food and shelter without anyone anytime being visible to him. Then even after years he will not be able to learn even a single word of any language. But he will learn the sounds of the animals and imitate them. Similarly without learning from someone, no one in the World can ever get the knowledge of language and hence no one other than God gave us the Vēdas.
Q.3.Human possesses natural knowledge given by God. If a human does not possess this natural knowledge, he could have not understood the Vēdas. Since humans have the capacity to Understand Vēdas, they could have even written them as their knowledge increased with their age. In that case why should we agree that the Vēdas were given by God?
Ans. In the previous answer the description of the lonely boy in the jungles indicates that even though humans possess natural knowledge, they cannot write grammar or poetry without learning from others. If they could write grammar and poetry without anyone’s help, then the lonely boy also should have got the knowledge of understanding the languages without someone teaching him. Since this does not happen in reality we should accept that God has given us the Vēdas. Therefore only with natural knowledge nobody can ever be a learned man. We have to learn from others and then improve our knowledge. Similarly if God did not give us Vēdas at the beginning of Creation then today there could have been no education in this world.
Q.4.What benefit does God get by giving us Vēdas?
Ans. What benefit does God get if He does not give us Vēdas? There is no answer for this question. Vēdas are God’s everlasting knowledge. Vēdas do not have any birth or death. But for humans sake God has published Vēdas. Now let us see what use God has in giving Vēdas to us. Does God have unlimited knowledge or not? If He has then what use is there of such knowledge? God’s knowledge is for knowing the materials and using it to Create the world. This is the use of His knowledge. Now the question is whether God does good or bad? Knowledge is for self and also for others. Since God created the world and humans, His knowledge will be useful only if He gives us that knowledge. That is why God has given his knowledge to us. God is like mother and father to us. We all are His children. He will always have caring attitude towards us. Therefore He wants us to get benefitted from this Universe. He wants us to use these Vēdas well and get Dharma, Artha, Kāma, and Mōksham. God created this world and gave us so many pleasures. Then why do you think that He will not give us Vēdas for our benefit? In the Universe the best pleasure we can get is not even a 1000th part of the pleasure we get from good education. Then why will not God give such good education to us? He will definitely give and it is the only use for God to give us the knowledge he possesses. Therefore once again it is proved that Vēdas are given by God and not written by any human.
Q.5.From where did God get pen, paper etcetera for writing Vēdas? Since at the time of creation these materials were not produced how can God write Vēdas?
Ans. What a great doubt? How do you think God created the world? Without having hands, legs, furnaces and any tool with Him how can He create the world? Since He is all mighty and ubiquitous He can create anything without any help from anything or anybody. Similarly He could publish the Vēdas. He did not write books and publish them. He published them in the minds of four Rishis whose names are Agni, Vāyu, Sūrya and Angirasa. Since these names are common in the Vēdas and are given to divine bodies, people think that these are the names of Devathas. As described earlier Devatha means divine material like Fire, water, God etcetera. So people thought that there are many Gods in Vēdas. But in fact there is only one God and second to him there is none. Similarly the names given above are names of Rishis and not of any supernatural being or of any divine material. Since all materials in the Universe (except God and souls) are without knowledge, there is no question of Agni (Fire) and such materials possessing or knowing the Vēdas. When the meaning is not possible by a sentence then we take the goal of the sentence and give meaning to it. For example when a scholar says he heard voices from the rooms, we should understand that since the rooms cannot talk, the only meaning the sentence can convey is the persons in the room are talking. Similarly when Rishis say that Vēdas are given to Agni, Vāyu, Sūrya and Angirasa, one has to understand that these names are of some humans and not of any materialistic body. In this regard Shathapatha Brahmana says that the Vēdas are given to Rishis whose names are Agni, Sūrya, Vāyu and Angirasa.
Q.6. Let us say it is true. It may be that God has given knowledge to the Rishis and the Rishis might have written the Vēdas!
Ans. So you agree that God has given the knowledge to Rishis. Then what is this knowledge? Knowledge means to know something. Therefore God has given knowledge to these Rishis to know something. And whatever this something is, it is nothing but Vēdas without which they could have not gained the knowledge. And hence it is proved that Vēdas are knowledge of God and not writings of some humans.
Q.7.If God is not partial why did he give knowledge to only four Rishis and not everyone?
Ans. Giving knowledge to only those Rishis and not to everyone proves that God is impartial and not partial. What is justice? To give appropriate results according to the Karma the persons do. Therefore God has given the knowledge in the form of Vēdas who did appropriate good deeds in their past lives. Therefore it proves God is impartial and not partial.
Q.8.These four were born at the time of creation. Then from where did they gain the good deeds from?
Ans. Souls, God and Prakrithi are eternal. There is no time boundary for them. God creates the world and destroys it and again creates it. This is an endless cycle. Therefore there is no question of these people not having their past.
Q.9.Did God give the Chanddass like Gayathri etcetera?
Ans. Why did you get such a doubt? Do you think God does not have the knowledge of Chanddass? Since God has complete knowledge, He has given the Chanddass.
Q.10.It is heard that Chaturmukha Brahma has given us the Vēdas. Is it not correct?
Ans. No it is not correct. Purānās are having many impossible things written in them which are not true and they do not stand for the 8 type of Pramānās given by Nyaya Darsana.
Q.11. Since the mantras have names of Rishis, why cannot we accept that the mantras are writings of Rishis and not God?
Ans. From Manu writings it is clear that Rishi Brahma has learnt Vēdas from Agni, Vāyu, Sūrya and Angirasa. So it is clear that every Rishi has learnt Vēdas from someone or the other. Therefore the names given on the mantra refers to the Rishi name who has first realized the meaning of the mantra but not who wrote it.
Q.12. What is the age of Vēdas?
Ans. It is about 1,972,949,116 years. (The detailed explanation can be seen in the age of Earth in the works section)
Q.13.It is heard that Europeans like Prof. Wilson and Prof. Max Muller say that the Vēdas are not given by God and are just human writings. Also they say that the Vēdas are not older than 4800 years.
Ans. We have to understand that this is not the truth and also is an illusion of these people. They do not have any idea about the daily routine of Aryans and the Sankalpa we take every day. As proved above the Vēdas are about 1,972,949,116 years old. Also we should understand that the wrong statements given about Vēdas by our own country men are to be ignored and try to understand the truth.